By Augustus Mays

Do you wonder why your friends' photos always look so crisp and clear? Are you frustrated when your photos turn out hazy and fuzzy? There are many common mistakes new photographers make, and several steps they skip that would significantly improve their photos. This article contains plenty of tips that will help improve the quality of your photos.

Use your camera's zoom feature to highlight your subject and eliminate nearby distractions. After you've framed the subject, take a moment to look around the frame to see if there's anything creeping in on the sides that will end up being a distraction in the final image. If there is, zoom in a little until the distractions are gone from the frame. If your camera doesn't have a zoom feature take a few steps forward and then re-frame your subject.

Look through other photographer's websites. Many times they will have the meta-data displayed so you will know what settings that they used to get the photo to turn out the way that they did. You will be able to learn a great deal about photography by looking at other's work.

Use the right lens for the job. If you are photographing a landscape, for example, you need a wide-angle lens that will let you capture as much of the scene as possible, while sporting events generally require a telephoto lens that let you capture faraway players in high detail. Knowing what lens to choose will make it much easier to produce quality photos.

If you are serious about advancing your photography skills, consider taking a photography class at your local community college or craft school. Even if you only want to do this as a hobby, you can learn so much from taking a class. You may even discover that this is more than a hobby, and the photography class may lead to a full-time career.

Be sure not to place your camera near water. If your camera were to fall into water or get water inside of it, it may not work anymore. If it does work, you may find that it does not take pictures the way that it did prior to its water damage.

When you are taking a picture of someone, hold the camera at their eye level so that the subject seems to make eye contact with the camera. Eye contact is just as engaging in a picture as it is in real life, so your picture will seem more lively and dramatic.

Be careful to capture natural smiles when you photograph people. Often people will put on an obviously fake smile when they know you are trying to get a photo. Assure that their face is relaxed, that the smile is not forced, and the eyes reflect genuine emotion. Take several shots until it is right.

By way of conclusion photography is a very unique and interesting hobby because of the variety of things it offers. You can take pictures of plants, animals, scenery or whatever your heart desires. The better the quality of your pictures the more enjoyable it will be. Employ the tips from this article and photography will soon be your favorite thing to do.

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