By Daniel B. Wiedeman

So what does "professional photo printing" really imply, anyway? It's not anything you'll find at your average drugstore or megamart. Professional printing is printing done properly: a thorough process undertaken by professionals who know and care about what they're doing. The difference in quality between a drugstore print and a professionally made print is staggering. Choosing to go with a professional printing company is the best thing you can do for your favorite photos.

No detail is forgotten when you go to a professional photo printing house. Imagine for a moment that you have just taken the best photograph of your life. Whom would you be more inclined to pass it to? A retail employee with zero training and little to no experience? Or a bonafide professional who truly understands and loves what he/she is doing? We can't speak for you - but we know who we'd pick: the second one!

The employees at professional photo printing houses care about the end product, and this makes a difference. They'll cooperate with you every step of the way, and are happy to customize or fulfill any unorthodox requests.

Professional photo printing houses provide materials of the finest quality. Their photo paper is substantial, rich, and long-lasting. Also, you can choose between a gloss finish, a semi-gloss finish, and a matte finish. It's great to have a selection, especially if you're making a large print; glossy paper plus protective glass can throw some serious reflections when seen from a distance. As an alternative, you can opt for matte paper, which doesn't have this issue.

Printing houses also offer a selection of more unconventional media: quirky options you can't find elsewhere, such as the following:

Metal photo prints - This edgy medium is weather-resistant, scratch-resistant, durable, easy to mount, and most importantly, beautiful. At most photo printing houses, you can choose from a variety of metallic and matte finishes.

Leather photo prints - This unusual medium allows you to personalize just about anything. Most printers can print on wallets, purses, or sometimes jackets. You can also make a leather print to frame and put on your wall - it has a texture like no other.

Canvas photo prints - Big prints benefit especially from being done on canvas; it's strong, matte, and durable. Canvas soaks up color rather than leaving it to sit on top, so your prints are not likely to fade. Additionally, the roughness of the canvas adds a special, "Old World" feel to your print.

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