By Angela Burkett

The rich and famous may not appear to need a holiday as much as you and I but they often work long and hard and let's face it, they can afford it. They are also less restricted in terms of finance and often, time. So if time and money is no object and the world is their oyster, where in the world do they choose to visit more than anywhere else? Well, there are a few destinations which they seem to flock to.

The Caribbean is always a favourite among holiday makers and for the celebrity, it tends to Saint Barthelemy that they are drawn to. The French Caribbean island is full of unspoiled and beautiful surroundings with a diverse array of wonderful restaurants and interesting boutiques. The beaches are superb as you would expect from the Caribbean. Celebrity visitors include Gwen Stefani and Roman Abramovish who even owns property here.

A long-time favourite of the rich and famous, Cabo San Lucas in Mexico has attracted visitors from John Wayne to Jennifer Aniston, Its stunning resorts are home to some wonderful beaches and some of the best diving sites in the world. The night-life too offers some fantastic venues in the form of clubs and restaurants. But there are also places that are as secluded as others are vibrant should anyone wish to visit here for a holiday of a more relaxed nature.

Capri, a tiny island in Italy is rich in tradition and possesses great appeal to those looking for fantastic views with plenty to do. Roman emperors considered this island as a favourite of theirs and now it finds celebrity upon celebrity visiting its wonderful restaurants and boutiques.

Perhaps the most well-known of celebrity hotspots is Saint Tropez in the French Riviera. There are some fantastic sights to see here and a magnificent waterfront making this resort popular with celebrities and everyone else alike. The boutiques are expensive which may not out off the rich and famous but there are also less expensive boutiques inland. Made famous by Bridget Bardot, it is simply a beautiful location.

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