By Matt McKinley

Taking a look back in time at the movies of old we come to notice that a large bulk of them were silent movies. These were mostly in the genre of making people laugh while at the same time letting them know that good always reigns over evil in the end.

These comedies were furnished with a respectable positive ending and illustrated the domination of protagonist over antagonist.

Main concern of those films was to provoke humor in such a manner that equally amused young and old people at the same time. With the time passing by the films begun to be created in such a manner that their main purpose became to satirize the falsehood prevailing in both society and politics.

Another form of comedy that came about thereafter was made possible only due to the fact that there were other successful movies before them that they could then make fun of. These are called spoofs.

Film makers found that since there was a foundation that was already set by an earlier liked comedy they could then remake them in a way that they made fun of these hits and the crowds would love them.

Another interesting style of comedy came from the black comedies which aimed to make humor of seriously tabooed habits like murder but in a way that the audience realize that in the end it does not pay.

The audience was able to laugh through a major part of the film but when it came to the punch line they would have the fear of committing taboos instilled in them.

There are many other comedy genres which were created by combining humor with other themes like action to create action comedy and so on and so forth.

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