By Jeremy Tankfallow

Majorca is an island (one of the Balearic islands) in the Mediterranean Sea and is the largest, and second most populated island of Spain. It is an incredibly popular tourist destination, particularly for German, UK and Irish tourists, boasting both serene sunny beaches, and on the south of the island a more night-life oriented atmosphere. It is not surprising, then, that many celebrities, or famous people, have sought to make a home on the island.

Many famous folk have made a home on the island, and what follows is a short overview of the most famous names. The 19th century saw many famous people living on Majorca. Joaquin Jovellar y Soler, the military commander, for example, as well as the two time leader of Spain Antonio Maura Montaner. There are plenty of people more recent in history that have lived on Majorca too, including sportsmen like Rafael Nadal and Carlos Moya, who are both famous tennis players.

People from the creative industries have also made their home on Majorca, including artists and academics. Ramon Llull, the famous writer and philosopher as well as one of the most renowned piano players Frdric Chopin, and the surrealist painter Joan Mir, have all lived on the island at some point in their lives. The 19th and 20th century owe a lot, creatively, to Majorca.

Celebrities of modern times have also lived, and do live, on the island. In the latter part of the 90s Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones bought a home on Majorca and supposedly spend half the year there. Former Eurhythmics member Annie Lennox, the German model and actress Claudia Schiffer, as well as the former wife of John Lennon Cynthia Charles are all famous people who have at some time made a home of the island.

Turning my attention back to sports stars, Steve McManaman, who used to play football for England, Formula one racer Michael Schumacher, and the 250 cc world champion motorcyclist Jorg Martinez have also lived on Majorca. So many people who are famous have lived on Majorca, whether they were born or just moved there at some time, that it can't be ignored as a culturally important place.

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