By Kevin Browne

More and more brides and new couples are asking their photographers to show them EVERY option when it comes to the albums they will be able to choose from. And on a daily basis it seems as if wedding storybook albums are getting more and more play.

In much the same way that popular storybooks are laid out, so too can your wedding album.

And if you are not offering these as options to the new brides BEFORE you take on the wedding job, there is a great chance you will lose out on these weddings to other professional photographers who do offer them.

The reality is that brides now want complete control over every detail of the wedding and you have to be able to cater to that.

That is exactly why has made wedding storybook albums such a enable you, the professional photographer, to be able to offer them so that you can increase your opportunities for more revenue. You can get your covers made with your choice of two different types of imported Italian leathers. You can also get them in metal or acrylic. even offers a coated metallic photo cover which you just have to see to believe. Did I say offer your couples wonderful options from which they can choose? Wedding storybook album cover options. This is exactly where excels!

And this has been the philosophy at Collages since 1999.

So starting now, your storybook album choices could and will allow for 100% customization, flush mounting, color choices that can and do match every wedding theme, and even to how flat the pages in the album lay. These are the wonderful options that Collages has created to allow you to do more. To make much more.

And should you ever run across questions or concerns, be sure to call the amazing professional support teams at Collages. (But be prepared to be blown away with a level of enthusiasm and passion for photography you might never have experienced before.)

As a talented professional photographer, you know that you need the very best products and services ALONG with your talents behind the camera to ignite your business potential.

And that is exactly why partnering with and offering their beautiful wedding storybook albums make such great sense. For everyone!

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