By David Pareto

An enhanced web experience includes visually appealing images, and text that keeps website visitors attentive and focused on a goal. Quality photography, elicits desired responses, delivers key concepts, showcases products and ideas, and drives visitors further into the site towards its goal. The use of high quality pictures attracts attention, and maintains visitor focus. Web pages that load efficiently maintain visitor engagement, and give them the desire to further explore the site. An enhanced online experience results from efficiently loading web pages.

Website photos are the first view potential visitors get of the website. This is the first chance to persuade them. First impressions determine whether potential visitors venture farther into the website, or simply click on to another. Pictures play a main role in keeping visitors on a site, and in motivating them to stay and explore it. Quality pictures motivate users to remain at a site to explore it.

The placement of photos on a website is as important as placing items in display windows near a store entrance. Displays are designed to encourage customers to go in.

Photographs can play a key role in persuasion on sites that communicate ideas, opinions, or aim to influence others. Visitors typically act on perceptions and first impressions, and often look first, then read. Photography of high quality enhances perception and first impressions making persuasion easier.

Imagery is powerful. Marketers and advertisers rely on it. These professionals understand that imagery is the driving force behind persuasion and sales. When sites sell products, its photographs are key to its sales. Potential customers want detailed views of what they want to purchase.

Photography is the power-tool of the website. Imagery can be powerful enough to wow visitors, draw them further into the site, and convert them from casual observers into believers and buyers. Once the page has elicited this kind of conversion, ideally the visitor will proceed efficiently and effortlessly towards the goal. It's important that pages be loaded as efficiently as possible so users remain at the site and complete its goal. The last thing they want to do is wait for pages to load!

High resolution pictures are large slow loading files. The quality of these images is high. However, they significantly increase user wait time. Web browsers can not load large files efficiently. This causes an interruption of user focus and attention.

Well chosen photography is optimized for smallest possible file size (to load quickly) while maintaining the highest possible resolution (visual quality), and significantly enhance the users experience of the site. Loading speed of the entire page increases significantly, especially when viewed by users who use slow connections, if each photo can save a few kilobytes. When users have faster connections, high quality photographs allow pages to load quickly, and appear almost instantly.

Using quality photographs is an essential factor in enhancing the online experience. They provide added value to any site because its imagery holds the power to sell as well as persuade. The photography provides positive first impressions, efficient browser loading, and best visual quality. A conversion response will keep visitors focused and attentive to the goal of the site.

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Web site development, PHP programming's Fan Box