By Frank Sherrill

Ryan Reynolds was selected to perform the part of Deadpool. So far, this is the hottest Marvel X-Men motion picture. It's called, X-Men Origins Wolverine. Together with Hugh Jackman, Ryan did an unbelievable task by getting in shape for the flick. In the following paragraphs, I am going to explore the actual Ryan Reynolds Workout Wolverine, which is what his training program has now been coined.

The majority of Marvel fanatics agree that choosing Ryan Reynolds for the part of Deadpool was a good choice. His ability to be funny and sarcastic made Deadpool come to life. Although, many of the comic's fans would have wanted Deadpool to be a little bigger in muscular size than Reynolds was in the film. He was able to play the role convincingly. Ryan, is not new to getting in shape to play a role. Ever since he played Hannibal King along side Wesley Snipes and Jessica Biel in the movie blade Trinity. building muscle size and having an incredible six pack abs are nothing new to him.

From funny guy to serious actor, Reynolds has definitely been moving up the "A list." His next film is already inproduction. It will will be another comic book character called "Green Lantern." It seems certain that for this film he will have to pay the price in the gym.

Ryan Reynolds Deadpool workout

It was rumored that he gained approximately 20 pounds of lean muscle mass for the movie blade Trinity. It may also be true that he was able to achieve nothing less than a 3% body fat. Bear in mind, that you must be below 8% body fat in order for your six pack abs to show. That's if you're a man, for a woman you need to be below 19% body fat. Both Jessica Biel and Reynolds use the services of celebrity personal trainer Buddy Strom.

Who Trained Ryan Reynolds?

I guess because he was so successful using Buddy Strom earlier that Reynolds used them again to get ready for his Deadpool workout. Strom, has trained many Hollywood celebrities in the past. Most recently, he was responsible for getting Scarlett Johansson (Ryan Reynolds wife) in shape for her role of "Black Widow" in the film Iron Man II.

Here are some of his secrets to help you build the body you've always wanted.

For starters, in Reynolds' workout, Strom was a big advocate of integrating stability and core exercises with more traditional weight training for what is known as "functional fitness." During his workout program, Ryan Reynolds only focused on one specific body part each day during a six-day cycle. The reason for this detailed focus was because Reynolds was likely an Ectomorph.

Ryan Reynolds Wolverine workout utilized a standard 6 to 8 repetitions work out routine. Using as much weight as he could in each exercise. Pretty much all he did was sleep, eat and workout.

A regular diet regimen of 5 to 6 meals daily, as well as heavy training, is what got Ryan to put on all that muscle. He likely went with a 20% fat diet, with the rest split between carbs and protein.

To get his body used to the right kinds of fat, Strom likely had him take flaxseed on a regular basis. No matter what you might think of the role of Deadpool, you have to agree that the "Ryan Reynolds Wolverine Workout" seemed to work!

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