By Kylie Scott

The easel stand is one of the most versatile yet overlooked display items available. In the home, the office, at a trade show or in the showroom, you can find innumerable uses for these decorative and functional stands. There are so many styles and sizes to choose from, you can easily find the one that is perfect for your needs.

Have you ever noticed how your favorite painting looks stale after hanging in the same spot on the wall for years? After awhile, you don't even notice it. Take it down from the wall and place it on an easel stand and you will love it again.

Do you have a piece of fine antique or collectible china? Display it in style on a stand on your mantelpiece. If you have a souvenir shop or kitchen and dining ware boutique, there is simply no better way to put your finest goods on display.

If you are a book lover or bookstore owner, there couldn't be a more perfect way to show off your best large format illustrated book or books than on a stand. The beauty of displaying opened books this way is that simply by changing the page, you can instantly freshen your display. All experienced booksellers know that books featured on stands sell faster than others.

Displaying a product poster on an easel stand in your office reception area is the best way to draw attention to it. It is a far more effective way of promoting a product or service than a poster hung on the wall. Customers always notice a presentation on a stand, but rarely take a second glance at a poster on the wall.

The easel stand is indispensable at a trade show. This has been proven time and time again. The great thing about these stands is that they not only are the best way to display items, they are also extremely portable. Any good trade show display will include large floor stands, medium sized table stands and small counter stands for holding promotional materials.

There is not a single business that can't find a good use for an easel stand. If there is anything that can be displayed on one, it should be displayed on one. Books, flyers, promotional posters - anything at all that needs to be seen will be seen on a stand, while it will be overlooked if it is lying flat. Not to be overlooked, either, is the fact that they can be folded or collapsed, making them easy to move or store away when not in use.

You can undoubtedly think of many uses for them yourself. It would be impossible to make a complete list of all the possible uses you can find for them. Whether you want a 4 inch counter display stand or a large floor stand, there is a perfect easel stand for every conceivable need.

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