A Revealing Brad Pitt Interview

Posted by Georgy | 3/15/2011

By Amana Adams

Every once in a while, Hollywood finds a star. For some reason, people are drawn to this star and seemingly nothing can dim its bright lights. That is true of Brad Pitt. A revealing Brad Pitt interview can shed some light on the privacy he aims for.

Regardless of everything he tries to do to keep his personal life and affairs private, they often get discovered. In interviews, he evades questions about these. That just makes people more interested in him and his extraordinarily beautiful partner, Angelina Jolie.

Certainly there are rumors that surround him and Angelina Jolie. The gossip magazines are always talking about infidelity and problems in their home. The reason is simple, people are very interested in this type of information and news.

He kept his silence when he was married to Jennifer Aniston and having an affair with Jolie. The two insist that nothing physical happened while he was still with his wife. Of course, everyone has their own opinion of what went on during and after filming "Mr. And Mrs. Smith".

Gossip magazines are also continuously writing about the constant feuding that goes on between Jolie and Pitt's mother. Apparently, she was siding with Aniston. Her disapproval of Jolie's part in splitting up the couple shows in the relationship they have.

During his interviews, he is always careful about what is to be revealed. He speaks of his work and reveals what he wants to reveal about his family and personal life. Whatever the case, when Brad speaks or is photographed, people stop to listen carefully. He is loved and hated by many for various reasons. Whatever and how ever they may feel about him, they listen regardless.

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