By Jennifer Collins

A lot of people ask me how to dress like a model. Often times, you need to bring your own clothes for modeling. You might want to start building a modeling wardrobe that consists of a variety of outfits and clothing. That way, you will always have on hand the different looks and pieces of clothing you may need.

For models pursuing fashion, this might not be the case, as the designer will usually be on set providing the clothing. It's always a good idea to have on hand a nude underwear/bra set, and a black underwear/bra set, as well as at least 3 different pairs of heels. This is part of a typical "modeling kit".

Many people starting out as models forget about these things, but it is important to keep these things in mind, as it will show your professionalism and show others that you take your work seriously.

When it's a fashion test shoot, it's best to add two to three outfits (minimum) in order to make sure the shoot goes smoothly. Bring jeans that flatter your body, and a button down shirt. Accessories can make or break an outfit. Many models who are just starting out might overlook the importance of accessorizing, especially if they are not used to wearing a lot of accessories in their daily lives. Buy a small box and fill it with your favorite earrings, sunglasses, necklaces, and rings. These things don't have to be costly items - just get a variety of things you like which will work well with various looks and outfits. Depending on what the photographer is looking for, different accessories might be needed.

The best advice I can give, however, is to ask the photographer or group what they are looking for in your wardrobe. Oftentimes, a paid shoot will provide you with notice on what you should bring. Be sure to pay attention down to the last letter if you get instructions!

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