By Kylie Scott

Even though you see at least one floor easel and probably many more every day, it is easy to overlook its importance as a promotional tool. The reason why this is so is because it is doing what it has been designed to do so well - promoting a product or a business. Take a closer look at the versatile and functional, yet under-appreciated display easel.

Take a walk down a city street and you are likely to see an outdoor floor easel being used to attract customers into a shop. It may be a sandwich board type stand displaying a cafe's daily special or it may be a more decorative tripod easel advertising a sale on gourmet coffee beans, designer clothes or some other specialty item. While you may not consciously notice it, the style of the easel subconsciously influences your decision to go inside and see what's on offer.

The floor easel outside the door compels you to go inside and look around. Once inside, another one will capture your attention and direct you towards a particular rack of clothing or brand of product. Whatever it is there for, it is what is displayed on the floor easel that will capture your attention first.

Why is the floor easel such an effective marketing tool? Several unique features make it so. Unlike a poster that is hung on the wall, a poster displayed on an easel uses three-dimensional space. This combined with its perfect height for catching the eye and its portability, which allows you to place it strategically, is what makes it work.

The portability of floor easels makes them perfect for businesses that need to take their advertising with them. Sales meetings, conventions and trade shows are just a few of the instances where these stands can easily and quickly turn a public place into a showcase for your presentation. Because they come in fold-able, collapsible and adjustable styles, they can be cared under the arm along with a briefcase.

The numbers of uses you can find for the floor easel are limited only by your imagination. A slender, elegant looking tripod easel standing at the entrance to a fine restaurant displays a menu for passersby to inspect. A floor easel in a bookstore displays the latest large format gift book, opened to an intriguing illustration. These are just a couple of uses among the thousands that easels can be put to.

Now that you have been introduced to them, you are more likely to notice the stand that displays an item that captures your attention than you were before. Take a moment to look at it next time you see one. Do you see how the design subtly changed your perception of a product? Take a peak behind. Do you see how easy it would be to fold it up and carry it away? Now that you have been introduced, can you see what uses you could put a floor easel to in your home or business?

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