By Hope Calhoun

Just about a decade ago, recording family video meant hauling out a bulky camcorder and recording onto those miniature VHS tapes. Now, spontaneous videos could be recorded with a touch of a button thanks to pocket-sized camcorders. It is easy to edit and reproduce videos with online software.

Similar to digital cameras, there is no need to use film or tapes in a digital camcorder. The footage is stored in a digital memory card. Many regular digital cameras can record videos, but will not be able to hold hours of videos or record high quality footage like a real digital camcorder.

Once the videos have been recorded, the memory card is removed from the camcorder and into a computer. The files could be merged, split, and edited with special effects. Trim footage that is not needed and adjust the volume on parts ht are either too loud or soft. It is also possible to add sound effects and music to enhance the experience.

When the videos are fully edited, the movie can be burned onto a Blu-Ray or DVD disc. Most movies only take a few minutes to transfer. The discs work in most DVD or Blu-Ray players for watching on a television screen. Many discs can be burned and sent to relatives. It is also possible to watch videos on a memory card when a camcorder is hooked up to a television with an AV cable.

Sometimes, very funny videos might be worthy of sharing on the internet. Be sure to put videos on private if you do not want the whole world to see them. Be careful when sharing them on social networking sites. In most cases, sharing via email is the best way to show relatives who live far away.

Creating and editing family video makes it possible for relatives to enjoy those precious moments. Record and edit with online software to make them easy to enjoy. They can be savored decades later when saved to a disc.

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