By David Peters

Photographs are a good way of capturing those moments which will linger in one?s memories for a long time. Unfortunately, however, photographs are not able to maintain the same quality as they age. Since photographs are mere paper they are often affected by things such as moisture, dust and scratches and even light. The end result is you will end up having photos that are too light, have scratches and are no longer looking that good.

Well when your photos are looking too old and they no longer look that attractive what do you do? Do you throw them away or you just watch them get worse till they are no longer visible? Well worry not for with Adobe Elements you will be able to restore all your old photos so they look good again as if they were taken just a few hours ago.

Choosing the digital photo editing program that is right for you is not as difficult a choice as it might seem. There are a variety on the market however the best and easiest to use is without a doubt Adobe Elements. Once you have chosen your program the first thing you want to do is to create a digital image of your photograph so you can then edit it using your computer. Converting your photo from its paper version to a digital version is as simple as scanning it into your computer. Once the photograph is scanned into your computer you can begin the photo editing process.

With Adobe Elements you will be able to open the scanned images of your photos. When you open the photos you can now edit them as you wish using the tools that are provided by the software. One thing you must remember is to backup the scanned images so you can always revert to the original ones in case of mistakes.

Please understand that photo restoration doesn't necessarily require any specialized training or specific skills. The tools included in Elements are easy to use and you will quickly become adept at them. Tools you will use most often with photo restoration include the smudge, blur and sharpen tool.

I am going to give you a breakdown of each of the tools and how you can use them to restore your photographs. The smudge tool is helpful when you want to eliminate any scratches that are on the original photo. You can also use the smudge tool to remove any object in the background you wish to eliminate as well as correct photos that were not properly focused.

The next tool you can use is the blur tool. The blur tool allows you to add tone to photos that have been lightened by the sun; in essence you are making them darker. Using the blur tool you are adding color to retrieve the brightness of the original photo.

The last most common tool you will definitely use when restoring photos is the sharpen tool. This tool is mainly used to fix parts of a photo that may appear to be blurred. When you scan old photos that are now very light in color you will find that some of the parts will appear a bit blurred and this is what the sharpen tool is designed to fix.

Keep your cherished memories alive and well, restore them using Adobe Elements.

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