By Manuel Chuy

Global warming is an issue that is getting more popular. Global warming is widely discussed and debated around the television, radio, and even online. One of the numerous reason for this increased media coverage is due in part to celebrities. Within the last few years, a large number of celebrities have publicized their stance on climatic change. In this same time frame, our planets atmosphere saw an increase in media exposure. That leaves many wondering what if there is a connection and if so, is always that connection doing good?

One of the numerous celebrities who have helped use their well known name to bring awareness to climate change is that of Al Gore. Al Gore was most well known for his role because Vice President of the United States, under Bill Clinton. For now, Al Gore is renowned for his fight against climatic change. Al Gore is one of the first political figures to take global warming seriously. In fact, he has done more than that. His top rated documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, has gotten much needed attention to this important issue.

Leonardo DiCaprio is the one other well known figure who has been and who is still using his name to create attention to the many environmental issues. This best rated actor has turned into a well known environmentalist. One of the many topics that he brings focus on is that of global warming. In addition to making numerous celebrity appearances at global warning related events, he's also created his own documentary. This documentary is titled 11th Hour. Since Leonardo DiCaprio is recognized as one of the greatest actors of his time, he's the ability to bring much needed awareness of global warming, as well as other environmental issues.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is yet another well known figure that has been using his status to perform good for the environment. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a well-known actor turned political figure. And also outspoken on global warming together with his views on the subject, he has also taken action not seen by many people other politicians. In California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has transpired laws that reduce the greenhouse gasses emitted within the state of California and even more.

Laurie David may not be well known herself, nevertheless, you may have likely heard of her husband before. Her husband is renowned as being the co-creator of Seinfeld. She labored on a documentary for HBO that covered the science behind climatic change. There are also reports that she helped to get Al Gore's, an Inconvenient Truth, documentary to the public eye.

The above mentioned celebrities are simply a few of the many who have used their celebrity status to take much attention to the hot topic of worldwide warming. In addition to starting their very own environmental groups and making their unique documentaries or television programs that focus on the issue of global warming, celebrities do a lot more. Many celebrities are known for providing faces and voices for documentaries, concerts, and also other charity events.

Although many individuals observe the association with entertainment and climate change overkill, there is a lot that these celebrities among others have done to help in the fight against climate change. For example, there are a number of documentaries on global warming, but Al Gore's documentary saw success over others partly because of his well known name and status. For many people, they may have not heard about global warning or learned the potential affects of it if it weren't for celebrities.

Many celebrities, like the ones outlined above are recognized for showing their support for your environment, but there are individuals that have spoken out against climate change. One of those individuals is Michael Crichton, a well-known author. That year 2002, he wrote a book that basically claimed global warming is certainly not but a conspiracy theory. On this book, he claimed a large number of environmentalists are using global warming as a ploy to receive more money for their organizations. His book was met with a mixture of support and criticism.

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