By Samuel Hudson

Taking photographs is a great way to capture any moment in life. Organizing them and printing them has never been easier. No longer is there the need for film and processing. Use the tips below to add whimsy to your photography hobby and to take pictures that look like they should be in magazines!

Try to keep an online photo folder that showcases your top 100 images. As your work grows and gets better in terms of composition,technique, and more, you can swap, discard, and update the photos accordingly. This a good way for you and others to see the progress you are making with your photography.

Learn about composition rules. Practice and experiment with these rules to create unique pictures. For instance, organizing a picture around diagonal lines gives an impression of depth. You can also play with colors and gradual nuances to give an impression of movement to a picture. Do not follow the rules blindly, but learn when to use them.

To get an interesting photograph, play around with the lighting. If the natural lighting is not perfect, do not feel the need to resort to your camera's flash. Play with the shadows on the scene, or move your subject into the light and let the darkness eliminate the background behind them. There are many ways to play with light that might initially seem less than favorable but work out well in the end.

Know the flash range of the camera that you are using. If you are too far away from an object, the flash may not help you as much as you think it would. You need to know how far the flash will reach, and take your pictures at the right distance.

Photography has its valleys and peaks, so you need to remember that things will not stay the same with this craft. If you're down now, just know that things are going to bounce back. Likewise, if you're on top of the world today, you might be down in the trenches tomorrow. Be ready for constant change

You may surprise yourself with the quality of some of the pictures you take, and then be equally disappointed by other shots you have taken in the same time frame. Understanding the ideal circumstances to take pictures in can perfect your eye, and make for an excellent shot, almost every time.

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