By Kathy Dunne

For the last few years, there has been a drastic change in the themes and presentation of Bollywood movies with the frivolous, popular genre being replaced by meaningful, closer to reality movies that portray modern stories. This transformation of Hindi cinema is quite evident in the fresh Hindi movies that have recently hit the screen and also in the upcoming Bollywood movies.

It is no longer possible to distinguish the commercial movies from the so called artistic movies. Recent Hindi movies that have been released are more realistic and have better quality cinematography, direction and editing. A host of able directors are now providing evidence of their credibility and affecting audience preferences by their innovative films.

Most of the recently released and upcoming Bollywood movies like Wake Up Sid, A Wednesday and Rocket Singh portray stories of middle-class individuals and the rise of the common man.. The present directors have been directing movies on the theme of a common man fighting against terrorism and life problems in general.

Another evident trend is the use of the state-of-art technology and special effects in new movies like Drona, Love Story-2050 and Krrish. Moreover, animation cinema is being appreciated by the audience and some large production houses including Yash Raj Films are making such films.

Another noticeable trend is that a lot of producers and directors are going for remaking of the old classic films that were extremely successful in their times. For instance, RGV ki Aag was a remake of the classic Amitabh movie Sholay and Don which is another Amitabh movie from 70s was remade with Shahrukh as the lead.

Today, a number of movies are made taking into consideration the taste and preferences of the city audience. Such movies like Fashion, Metro, Company, Wake Up Sid and Page3 that were aimed towards the urban audience have managed to be very profitable for the producers.

Another noticeable trend is that some production houses in Bollywood have been releasing several films in one year. In several cases, the movies are being produced by several production home in collaboration.

Last but an important trend is the better reception of Hindi cinema abroad and improved overseas revenues of the movies made by large Bollywood productions. A lot of NRIs are scattered all over the globe and they like to watch Hindi movies, and you can even imagine that soon Bollywood will give stiff competition to even the Hollywood cinema.

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