By Will Schlepinger

Taking photographs that reflect your own personality and point of view can be accomplished in many ways. Your images can have different effects using filters. There are neutral density filters, soft focus filters, and many other types of filters. Color filters can be used in photographs that are black and white to make the images sharper like a making the skies appear whiter. Filters that are commonly used:

You will want to study the object in your photo. When shooting a sunrise or a sunset you will want to see a difference in the sky versus the foreground. Graduated filters will help create an interesting contrast. The graduated filter is actually a muted or natural color on one half and the other is a clear glass. The sky in foreground will be less intense using a graduated filter. The choices of filters you use will depend on the effect you want to achieve.

Another common filter is a polarizer. When filming water in sunlight, this is used. This will prevent any glares on your photo and also make the sky a denser blue.

Another thing to consider is the time of year. Nature's beauty will be emphasized by an orange or yellow filter. Use a blue filter for a cool feeling. Using the blue filter can also correct color problems when the lighting is from fluorescents or tungsten. The greenish tint that is sometime problematic can be cured by the blue filter. Use a warming filter to brighten up your subject on an overcast day. Can my photo's problems be corrected with a filter?

Yes, like mentioned earlier, a green tint can happen on a cloudy day or in certain lights. A blue filter will correct this problem. When taking a photo of an apple tree, use a green filter to keep the leaves from looking washed out, and to make the apples pop. The color of the filter you decide to use will mean you are 'filtering' out that particular color from your image. Greens can be stopped from dominating using a green filter, and reds can be filtered out by a red filter. The green filter will make the greens a lighter green or the red filter will make the reds a lighter red. You will have to decide the effect you want on your photo. The best way to learn is to experiment with them!

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