By Robert Deangelo

What is the Cam Gigandet workout and diet? Well, consider yourself fortunate because in this article you can get the complete Never Back Down training and workout program that Cam Gigandet used to get ready to play a tough MMA fighter!

Come on let's face it, they're not exactly lining up to give away Academy Awards for the movie "Never Back down;" however, the villainous MMA fighter in that film - Cam Gigandet - displayed incredible muscularity and leanness.

As you probably know, the gals really like that type of body. In the past, we would have said that the body that was displayed by Brad Pitt, in the movie "Fight Club" was the standard. However, move over Brad Pitt and make room for Cam Gigandet!

This is what is necessary to accomplish Cam Gigandet's muscular appearance and fantastic physique in this article:

The Never Back Down Training and Work out Program

Chest on Mondays

Tuesday - Back

Blast Your Shoulders on Wednesdays (or on Your Third Workout Day)

Thursday - Arms Day, Hit Both Your Biceps and Triceps

Friday - 45 Minutes on the Treadmill

At 10% body fat your abs start showing. Fortunately, Cam Gigandet was already what you could call a skinny guy, his workout did not require him to do much cardiovascular training. But, if your body fat is above 10%, then you will need to do much more cardio. One recommendation would be to utilize the protocol of high intensity interval training. This will help you minimize the amount of time you have to spend doing cardiovascular training.

The Cam Gigandet diet was low in carbohydrates but high in protein. When you are looking to develop a lean and muscular body, you want to follow a diet that is similar to a bodybuilders. Keep your protein intake high and no carbs after 6 PM. Eliminate all sugar, sweets and high glycemic index carbohydrates. Make chicken breasts your best friend.

Here are some food choices that you can use if you're following the Cam Gigandet workout and diet:

Trout, Salmon and Tuna, as well as skinless chicken breasts, all contain the beneficial fat omega-3.

Since this workout requires you to train hard, you'll need to eat plenty of carbohydrates. Some of the options available are baked potatoes, rice, oatmeal, yams etc.

Actors have a hectic schedule. Fortunately for them the studios pay them to work out. Consequently, they can spend two or three hours per day training for a film. Bear in mind though, that usually they only have six months or less to get in this type of physical conditioning.

Fortunately for us, we can easily adapt this workout and use it in our home. It doesn't require a lot of equipment. We can even use bodyweight exercises to replace some of the weight lifting. Or, we can purchase a set of dumbbells or resistance bands and duplicate many if not all of the exercises performed in the Cam Gigandet workout program.

Keep in mind that using the Cam Gigandet workout and diet program as we have explained it can help you achieve a ripped and muscular body.

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