By Janine Hester

Not too many years ago natural fibers were seen as a radical idea that cannot produce the type of quality clothes demanded by most discerning consumers. They were seen as boring, formless materials that are difficult to use. A lot has changed. Today, popular organic clothing Phoenix is manufactured from pure natural fibers that can hold its own with any other synthetic product.

There is much more to these fibers that the avoidance of synthetic materials. They are produced under very strictly controlled conditions where no chemical treatment of any kind is allowed at any time during the process. Plants may also not be genetically modified or radiated. In order to qualify for the label hundred percent natural, it is necessary to comply with stringent standards that are policed by the Department of Agriculture.

Silk, wool and cotton are all popular natural fabrics. In many cases it can also be used for the production of care items such as towels, sanitary pads and diapers. Hemp, another popular renewable fiber, is also used in the manufacture of high quality skin care products. These fibers are often blended together. This allow for a greater variety of uses.

In recent times, bamboo has become increasingly popular. The fabric produced from this plant has a singular silky feel to it. In addition, the fabric has antibacterial properties which make it ideal for the manufacture of sportswear. Another advantage is that the material is biodegradable. Fabric is woven or spun after the plant has first been pulped. Crops grow very fast and in certain condition several harvests per season is possible.

These products have shown consistent growth over the past few years. It is true that they are significantly more expensive than other products manufactured from non organic fabrics. However, the increase in popularity already shows a downward trend in the pricing. There is no reason why this trend will not continue. Organic products have become mainstream, and people do not buy it any more simply because it is environmentally friendly.

These products offer superior quality. Fabrics can be used over and over again, and when no longer needed, recycling is possible. Many users rejoice in the fact that sensitive skins benefit greatly from these fabrics. Because no chemical agents are used, they also help to protect against allergens. The many benefits for the environment need hardly be emphasized.

It is always good when the needs of man and the needs of the planet coincide. Organic clothing Phoenix certainly offers the best of both worlds. You are able to purchase high quality clothing and make a definite contribution to the environment at the same time. Many people agree that these products will greatly increase in popularity.

organic clothing phoenix

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