By Lily Hull

Most jewelers sell engagement rings Chicago. You should be able to find a large array of choices nearly anywhere. The difficult part is selecting just one of them.

When you finally decide it's time to buy your significant other this symbolic and important decoration, there are some things to keep in mind. Clearly the first and most important is to make sure it fits properly on your paramour's finger.

Men usually want to spring a proposal on a woman as a surprise. This is really hard when you need to find out how big around her finger is. There are a couple of good, sneaky ways to determine her size without giving too much away before the actual bended knee.

It is important that you not just guess. That hardly ever works out well. And the older tricks like getting her to try on one of yours or faking some kind of game wherein you compare finger circumferences won't work either.

So what can you do? It might be tempting to see if you can obtain another one that she wears and use that as a guide, but there are two problems with that. For one thing, she is not likely to own any jewelry which goes on that particular finger of her left hand. For another, if she isn't wearing something it may be because it doesn't fit very well.

In order to find out how big around her finger is, you can use a ridiculously easy trick. Go to her mother and ask. Honestly, that's often the quickest and most accurate thing to do. If that's not possible, try asking one of your girl's best friends. Sometimes they know that information as well. Just impress upon them that this is a secret which must be kept.

Once you have determined the correct size, the fun really begins. Now you are faced with a staggering array of styles, shapes, and metals from which to select the perfect symbol of your undying love.

At this point it becomes about feelings. You should be able to narrow the field to a certain type of stone or metal at least, assuming you know your woman. Other than that, the most important criterion for engagement rings in Chicago, or indeed in any other city, is the price. That one is entirely up to you. Spend what you can afford on the love of your life.

engagement rings Chicago

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