By Jason Stanfield

NBA playoff predictions can vary wildly from year to year. Most fans of professional basketball are involved in the prediction process at some level. Though not every season is as easy to predict as others.

There are many people that view the regular season as a long tune up the playoffs. Most people agree that once the season has come to a close, the level of play dramatically improves. Only the best teams are involved at this point, which creates more challenging competition.

It stands to reason that along with a raised level of intensity, the quality of the games improve as well. The difference between regular season competition and what transpires during the playoffs is sometimes astounding. Players tend to play with a sense of urgency for the entire 48 minutes.

People who follow the sport seem to pick up the level of interest during this time of year. A post season series gives fans a chance to learn more about the opponent and its players. There may be as many as 7 games for each series. This allows the average fan an opportunity to find out a lot about individual player strengths and weaknesses.

Another interesting feature that fans watch closely is how a team deals with injuries to players. A key player who is unable to play may be the difference between winning and losing. Coaches often have to decide how much an injured player can be rested without jeopardizing the outcome. This can be extremely difficult.

Once the long regular season comes to an end, fans really start to pay close attention to the National Basketball Association. The athleticism that is on display at this stage is second to none. Some argue that professional basketball players are the best athletes in the world.

There are just so many different factors that go into determining whose NBA playoff predictions are the most accurate. Obviously, one gets a great deal of satisfaction out of predicting that a team will win and then having that prognostication come true. Regardless of the final results, the games are always exciting and entertaining.

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