By Jeremiah D. Chappell

I have to confess that I was never actually a fan of the show 'Moonlighting'. I'm sure that, for Bruce Willis fans anyway, it had more than its fair share of good points; but, as someone who also didn't really like 'Remington Steele', the 1980's may not have been my time for showing an interest in this type of comedy-drama.

It wasn't until many years later, and after a string of hit Bruce Willis movies had already been released, that I put the past behind me, and decided to rent one on DVD. The movie was far better than I'd expected, and that led to a number of 'Bruce Willis weekends'.

When I first watched a Bruce Willis movie, it was strange that my first choice wasn't Die Hard. In fact the first Bruce Willis movie that I watched was the comedy "Look who's talking". Although after this I was hooked, I wasn't one of those people who thought Hudson Hawk and The Last Boy Scout were money grabbing exercises by the movie companies.

Over the years there have been many good Bruce Willis films i.e. 'Pulp Fiction', 'Twelve Monkeys', 'The Fifth Element', 'The Sixth Sense', and 'Cop Out'; as well as many that haven't been all that good i.e. 'Last Man Standing', and 'Armageddon'; actually, there have been too many in both categories to list, but, there's still his crowning glory...

'Over The Hedge' is the pinnacle of a long career. Actually; no, that should have read 'Die Hard', and 'Over the Hedge' is a very close fifth, or sixth, depending on when 'Die Hard' five arrives, and whether it can keep the franchise ticking along. Interestingly enough, and I use the term 'interestingly' in the loosest sense of the meaning, 'Die Hard' was based on a sequel to the book 'The Detective', and in the 1968 version of that film the lead character, 'Joe Leland', was played by Frank Sinatra.

There are 4 Die Hard movies out at the moment, and we expect Die Hard 5 to be at the cinemas sometime in 2012 or 2013. But that is just hearsay at the moment, with no confirmation. Movie production companies have a tendency to adjust timelines when they need to, so we will just have to patiently await the arrival. Remembering back to when I was only slightly impressed with the Moonlighting show, and then thinking about how my attitude has completely changed after watching all of the Bruce Willis movies I have seen in recent years, is quite amazing.

Who knows, one day in the future, after finally watching a 'Die Hard' marathon, I might actually relent; I may give up the habit of a lifetime, and see if I can find an episode of 'Moonlighting' to watch; it can't really be all that bad, can it?

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