By Mavis Roach

Any man can find shopping for an engagement ring to be an intimidating task. When shopping for wedding bands, he can bring his fiance along to suggest things she likes. Shopping for engagement rings Chicago is much more complicated and can be difficult for a variety of reasons. One way to solve this problem is to ask for advice or inspiration from a friend who knows the lady well. Maybe the friend can even accompany the groom on his shopping trip.

If a man is not sure how to choose the ideal ring style to suit his girlfriend's preferences, an antique setting may be a great solution. An antique ring can be available in an array of interesting styles and beautiful designs. A great thing about antique rings is that some perfectly stylish models can be found at incredibly low prices. This helps when a man is working with a budget and is unable to afford an extremely expensive ring. Value is added to the ring by the fact that it has been around for years.

The most beautiful antique ring can be a rather expensive, unique ring or a more affordable replica. It really depends on your financial situation which of these two options to choose, but in any case you can be sure you are purchasing a ring of the best quality if it is certified by well-known gemstone association, such as GIA for example.

The design and materials used in creating an antique ring will be specific to the time period it was created. During Edwardian times platinum settings with scrollwork and filigree were highly coveted, while yellow gold was the most popular metal during the Victorian period. Each part of history features very unique jewelry styles.

Antique art deco jewelry has been in style for decades. These beautiful ring styles typically feature geometric shapes and bold designs, and can sometimes be rare. Authentic art deco rings are usually more expensive than modern reproductions.

Diamonds are not the only gemstones used as a material for antique jewelry. You can find many beautiful settings from the Edwardian and Victorian periods set with sapphires or rubies. Art deco styles can be encrusted with aquamarines and are much less expensive than diamonds of the same period.

The ideal ring should be not only a very special gift, but an investment in your future together. A high quality ring from any time period is always in style, however, quite often the oldest rings have the most interesting look. No matter which style of engagement rings Chicago you choose, you can be assured that it will increase in value over time.

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