By Jonathan Simpson

Have you always prided yourself on the fact that you know electronics? If gadgets are your thing, you likely have several different cutting edge pieces of technology in your home right now. However, that flat screen you purchase several years ago just isn't doing it for you anymore and you are considering an upgrade. Have you considered the newest in television innovation, the Samsung 3D? If you are interested in the newest thing in television viewing, a great HD experience, this could be the right move for you.

Many channels are now beginning to offer shows in 3D, cable networks are creating entire 3D channels, and of course, the big movie studios are now releasing their latest titles in 3D and even going back re releasing certain titles with this advanced viewing technology.

In the television world, Samsung 3D sets are the top of the line and definitely the ones to consider. If this is the first time, you are hearing about this new technology you may have a few questions that need answering. The first logical question that comes to mind, what is 3D television? The simple answer is that 3D television is a feature that allows you to watch three-dimensional images on your television, as long as the content has been created in that format. It requires an equipped television and active shutter glasses that work together.

The television and the glasses have their own roles to play in the image you see on the screen. The glasses will alternate from one eye to the other while switching between black and clear. The Samsung 3D TV is working to display alternating images with slightly altered angles. Each of these are moving so quickly that the human brain cannot perceive each angle giving the illusion of 3D.

In flat screen television, technology Samsung is definitely a leader, which is probably why they can offer a wide line of 3D TV's. Included in their lineup are televisions ranging in size from 40 inches up to 65 inches. These of course also range in price from about $800- $2,500.

Another nice addition with Samsung 3D TV's is something they refer to as Samsung Applications. Your television will be capable of connecting to the internet wirelessly, which means you can browse the web, chat with friends and search for popular television shows. There are also fun interactive content made for these types of televisions. Through the special apps you can even find convenient movie services such as Netflix, Hulu, Blockbuster and YouTube videos.

Samsung 3D TV's are at the head of the class with all the primary features they are offering with their sets. Regular television shows in two dimensions will display on these advanced sets. 3D TV technology will only affect movies or shows that are particularly formatted to be viewed in three dimensions.

Do keep in mind that you are only able to view 3D TV with the 3D glasses. So, if you plan on having a large group of friends over for the big game or the kids are having 3D movie night, remember that you will need enough pairs of 3D glasses for everyone.

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