Home Theater Speaker Fundamentals

Posted by Georgy | 6/21/2011

By Owen Jones

The second most essential part of a good home theater set-up is its loudspeakers. You simply cannot attain that authentic theater environment, if you do not have good speakers. It goes without saying too, that the amplifier and player must be equally as good, because any system is only as good as its weakest element.

However, if you do it right, you can easily recreate the sound quality achieved in a full size movie theater. Regrettably though, many people seem to get confused about which speakers they should have, when they go to buy for their home theater in order to create proper surround sound.

The minimum requirements for a good set of surround sound speakers are a left and right channel speaker, a centre channel speaker and a sub-woofer. The following are the basic speakers that are required to complete a good home theater: front left and right speakers, a centre channel speaker, surround sound speakers. Sometimes people try to do without the centre channel speaker, but this speaker provides a good proportion of the soundtrack in a lot of movies as well as adding depth to the dialogue.

The surround sound makes the film seem more realistic. It is what makes the difference between watching TV at home and going to the movie theater. The option of having this at home has only recently become reasonably priced. The most frequent systems are: 5.1 channel, 6.1 channel, or 7.1 channel surround sound. The first figure refers to the number of normal loud speakers and the second one to the number of sub-woofers. The amount of speakers that is the best for you, depends on the size and shape of the room you are sitting in. The more is not always the merrier.

The sub-woofer is the cause of the deep bass sound that underscores so many movie soundtracks and these are the sounds that are responsible for heightening the drama in a film. A good sub-woofer is an vital part of your home theater speaker package, if you do not have one, you will miss out on this.

There are many makes on the market and some are cheaper than others, but it is important that you pick speakers that will work well together. They have to be compatible. If you do not know how to make sure that they are, the best choice for this is to purchase all your speakers together in one package by one maker. It may be tempting to save money by mixing and trying to match speakers, but if you get it wrong, you will not create the true quality of sound you are eager to achieve in your home theater.

Some speakers are made to place on the floor and others are made to hang on the wall. Floor standing speakers are the best for home theater, but they also take up the most space and can have wires running everywhere. If this is not a problem to you, then fine, but if it is, you can solve it by purchasing wireless speakers.

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