By Erin Song

Have you already mastered the art of taking photos without 'red-eye' syndrome? Are there some pictures that you know you should have turned out a lot better than they did? It happens to the best of us - yes, even photography virtuosos.

Regardless if you prefer using your cell phone camera or a point-and-shoot model, the following five tips should all be of good use as you strive to improve from novice to expert.

Photography Composition

Digital photography is, in many ways, an art form, which means composition means everything. Put something in the frame. For instance, if you shoot a photo of the clear blue sky above and nothing else, this creates a tacky effect that may even be boring in the end. Or how about trying a vertical shot if horizontal doesn't work - it just might have a more forceful impact than the horizontal photos you were taking earlier.

Or you could also position your subject off to the left or right of the frame rather than right smack dab at the middle.

Work On Your Close Up Shots

Your digital camera has a "macro mode" - think of it as a super magnifying glass. For a touch of the unorthodox and innovative, the macro mode feature can bring your subjects even closer and make hitherto unseen textures have added prominence. And when you're doing something different, you are usually doing something good - use the macro mode feature and feel free to try different settings of it.

The Use Of A Tripod

In digital cameras, even the slightest quiver of your hand could throw things off and make your picture blurred. Tripods are available to remedy this, and there are a lot of affordable and convenient models available. So if you want to keep those shots perfect without the risk of your involuntary hand motions blurring things up, buying a tripod is one of those digital photography tips you really have to follow.

Be Proactive

Photography isn't as serious an art as some may think - it can be your chance to unleash your wild side. That's right, you could get awesome shots by doing things you never did before, like shooting on top of your roof or on top of a boat. Make your photos jump right out of there by using your creativity and "wackiness", if need may be, to the fullest.

Photography Class

Are you still hungry for digital photography tips? There's nothing like practice to improve your photography - except practice plus experience gained by learning from a pro. You can find photography classes online, at your local recreation centers, and community colleges.

When learning how to become the best in digital photography, you have to be patient and not expect things to happen in an instant. The best way to take advantage of this hobby is to try things you have never done before, and once you get better, your friends will envy you and your family will be proud of your improved photography skills.

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