By Marsha Silva

Editing any shots for television, theaters or photography is an important process before showing it off. Along with it is the post production color correction that finishes the editing process. The process will do the final changing, altering and enhancing the lighting and color of the program currently used.

This process has been created to take control in every scene shot and for an effective output, it must be done in an efficient and huge working station using the different tools for this job such that it will manipulate every shot. The process of correction entails a lot of hard work but when the right formula is achieved already, the process will just be easy and fast.

Those images shot in analog or those transferred from a film to the digital format usually do not have a certain degree of being exposed since colors here are not very impressive. There are cases also where the cameraman forgets to prepare the video camera that will be used for a shot and the lights have already been in placed, its result is not very pleasant. All these errors can be rectified using post production color correction.

We all know that in every scene, there is a different targeted key elements like doing a commercial, the product is the focused element while in a narrative video, the person is the key points here. Applying this process can adjust the skin tone of the key elements so they are the ones more focused here. After the editing, the result will prove to be effective since it already look real and alive.

There are cases where shots from different locations, time, sources and condition needs to be incorporated so it will look like being shot in one setting. However, the cameraman or any crew cannot possibly create this. But the process makes it possible with careful balancing and merging of the different shots so it matches with one another.

Contrasting a color to have a jarring effect is easy with this method. The process can come up with any extreme contrast either in warm, cool or watery moods but maintaining the shot to match its look. You just need to mark the exact corresponding tone for each mood.

Creating a special effects can also be done here. There are scenes that require some effects like utilizing a color for a day or night effect, flashback scene and any other extreme effects are all possible here since the correction process has various tool for creating such effects.

No ordinary person can do post production color correction, if you need one there are experts specifically trained for this job. Initially, the experts will provide clients with a sample of what they need. The presence of modern technologies and devices along with the right formulation, editing a shot for any desired output can be done using this process.

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