By Johnny Tran

Japanese tattoos are called irezumi. This is an all-encompassing term for all tattoo and body modification methods but is used in the Western sense of being the traditional art of Japan. In this art form, the main attraction is the dragon tattoo. Japanese dragons are one of the most common motifs due to its intricacy and extremely psychedelic appeal.

Rooted in History

There are actually three incarnations of the dragon: The tatsu, the ryu and the doragon. The tatsu is the most traditional among the three, being more akin to water serpents and are spirits which personify rivers and other similar bodies of water. The most famous of these dragons is the Orochi, the eight headed and eight tailed dragon which was slain to gain the Kusanagi, or the Imperial Sword of State.

The ryu is the one more commonly seen, since the tatsu are shape shifting. It looks like the Chinese dragon with the biggest difference being the number of fingers on its feet: Three. This is actually a good indicator of the origin of the depiction, with Korea having four fingers and China having five fingers. This may be coincidence but is actually a source of friendly rivalry between these Asian nations.

A Deep Symbolism

Japan's dragons symbolize water. This is the main peculiarity between them and the other Asian dragons. Thus, all dragon depictions are fluid and sinuous. Even the scales lend credence to this effect. They are also commonly colored in gold, white or blue, emphasizing the maritime heritage. This is particularly emphasized by the fact that the Japanese believe that the sea is ruled by four dragons, one in each cardinal direction, causing the winds and currents of the sea.

Therefore, these dragons still symbolize power. Water is most fitting, since it is calm and subtle and life giving, but also very threatening, deadly and merciless when in anger. The dragons are also symbols of courage but the most unlikely symbolism is one related to agriculture and fertility. This may be because these fields are so intertwined with water that they are already considered aspects of it.

The Future

Japanese tattoos done the traditional way are called irezumi. This involves the use of bamboo flints to pierce the skin and apply the color. While the results are astounding and excellent, this takes a long time to complete, sometimes years for a small area. Thus, most have already adapted the Western practice of using machines. However, the designs are still completely Japan in flavor and motif.

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