By Peggy A. Creek

Having something to put your best photos in is one of the first things that you need to have if you are aspiring to become a professional photographer. And there are a lot of reasons behind the importance of having your own photography portfolio. First of all, it is a great way for aspiring professional photographers and even pros to show off their best works. And despite all the technology and convenience of digital photography, it can never achieve the same emotional impact and pull which printed photos have.

Having these portfolios also allows a photographer to show a specific side of their work and their technical and artistic skills, depending, of course, on the theme of the portfolios they will present as well as their choice of subject matter. And before you proceed on creating this collection of your best photos, there are a number of things that you can do.

One of the first things that you have to do is to select which photos will go in the collection. Keep in mind that the secret to a successful and beautiful photo portfolio is the quality of the material that you will put into it. When you are sorting through your photos, consider the theme that you want your portfolio to follow; do you have a specific theme in mind or are you going for a specific order (dates, seasons, occasions, etc.) in how you will arrange your photos?

This is important as it will help keep your photos organized and easier to understand especially if you are showing them to a potential employer. If you are in need of help, it is a good idea to ask close friends or people you trust to help you sort through the photos and decide which ones will go to your collection and which ones you should pass up, at least for now or you can consider the specific type of work that you are going to pursue when you are putting the collection together.

You also need to keep in mind that putting in black and white photos is as important as the color photos that you'll put in your portfolios. Always remember that the reason you put this collection together is to demonstrate as much of your flexibility and diversity as a photographer so make sure that your photos will show just that. And after you have done making your portfolios, you need to buy a protective case to put it in.

Websites such as have a wide array of cases that will suit any style preference as well as budget. If you have a specific budget, you can also try to comparison shop between two or more dealers to get the best prices.

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