By David Peters

Adobe has been able to create the elite in photo editing software at all user levels, but unfortunately everything seem very complicated at first, and even choosing the right software often seems a daunting task. The basic rules are that Adobe Elements is for beginners and Adobe Photoshop is better suited for more advanced users.

Now that we have that out of the way your next decision will be version of the software will best suit your particular photo editing needs; however, you might actually be surprised at just how similar each version is even though newer versions tend to have a few new items added. I have found that just about any version of Photoshop Elements will meet most users needs yet when it comes to Photoshop itself you might want to purchase the most recent version as it will come with some tools that undoubtedly will make your photo editing life a bit easier.

Currently the latest Photoshop version is Photoshop CS5, which has made great advances with added new tools that will produce the most amazing results. The Photoshop software is a lot more expensive than the Elements, so even a more advanced photo editor might find the new Photoshop Elements 9 is perfectly suitable, easier and a lot cheaper. The new functions include an excellent photo organizer and an extensive online component for Digital photo sharing as well as excellent online backup.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 provides two main functions, many of which can be found in Photoshop CS5, so if these functions are all you need remember that Elements 9 will mean big savings.

First of all there is the Organizer which allows you to view thumbnails and perform very basic photo editing and then you have the Editor, where gives total access to all of the photo editing functions. The Editor is simple to manage and allows "Guided Fixes", which basically comprises of Wizards that walk you through step by step photo edits. The "Quick Fixes" calculate the optimum way to fix colors, lighting, and sharpness calculated upon either your input with sliders or whatever PE9 sees fit.

When using Elements I tend to stick with the Organizer since I have easy access to tools such as Auto Color and Auto Contrast. There is even an Auto Smart Tool which takes any poor quality image and transforms it automatically into a professional quality photo.

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