By Teb Molombo

More and more people everyday are getting in to photography, and lots of of these people are teenagers. This actually is a fantastic hobby and a good way to keep memories, but most of the kids these days want the top of the line cameras that can cost up to $1,000. Despite the fact that some of the kids parents may have no issue shelling out that kind of money on a camera for their children, most parents can not afford that or they know that it is a ridiculous price to pay. However there are alternatives that can provide a good quality camera at a affordable price. For this reason we have made the decision to go over the particular Kodak EasyShare Sport C123 12 MP Waterproof Digital Camera.

One thing you will find out relating to this camera is that you won't have to take out a bank loan to get it. If you decide on this specific camera I would suggest you buy it through Amazon since you will be able to purchase it for under $70. And we all know how teenagers care for things, so if something happens to the camera you won't be nearly as upset if they broke or lost a $500 camera. This is certainly one of the greatest selling points about this digital camera.

The fact that this camera can not only handle rain but you could even drop it inside the pool and it will be OK. If you're anything like me I am sure you've dropped at least one camera in the pool at some point in time. The point that this camera is actually waterproof means you will not need to worry about having it by the pool area. Yet another excellent feature of the camera is that you can actually take underwater pictures. In all honesty while there are a few cameras that can accomplish this most cameras can't. The truth is if you drop just about any camera in the pool it is now merely a nice, wet, paper weight.

This is additionally a 12 MP digital camera which will be able to provide you with some incredibly clear pictures. This also ensures that you can put these photographs on your computer and crop the photograph to a smaller size, then enlarge it and find yourself with a good quality photo. If you want to make 5x7's or 8x10's and even 30x40's you will still have a great picture. This camera also comes complete with automatic setting so anybody can take a fantastic photo. This means that it doesn't matter if your outside or in a low lighting situation the camera will ensure the settings are right for the environment.

This camera has quite a few more features that you'll enjoy, we just don't have enough room to talk about all of them here. For those who would like to see all of the characteristics of this camera you will be able to find them all on Amazon. If you find yourself purchasing this through Amazon you will also discover that they won't charge you a shipping fee. This really is a excellent camera for both your kids and for anyone who happens to be the outdoor type that likes to take pictures because you don't need to worry about the rain.

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