By Georgette Bonparte

Let's face it, we ladies love celebrity magazines. We love to read about what they are doing, and we adore to take a look at footage of them. It seems like they must have access to the finest that cash can buy- things that us mere mortals can't even imagine. So let's have a look at what sorts of skin treatment treatments they are following and if they are stupid or fabulous.


According to Glamour Magazine, there's a trend among celebs to stop doing crazy cosmetic procedures such as surgery and to start looking after their skin. That suggests that they are no longer baking in suntan booths, but instead are using sunscreen to shield their faces from the damaging UVA rays of the sun. In addition they are using face care products packed with anti oxidising compounds such as vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin A. This is superb news. As a society we are apt to need quick fixes to issues instead of taking preventative action to prevent a problem from occurring in the 1st place. Acting to care for our skin and forestall Problems is a great step in the right path.


And now for the ridiculous. Some procedures may inherently work , but for their price tags they are getting a vote in the "ridiculous" category. One of them is an acne remedy called photodynamic care and it costs a huge $2,500 to $4,000 per session! Naturally no one likes to have acne, but paying thousands of greenbacks to zap one or two pimples is preposterous. The method involves spreading an amino acid gel on the face and then zapping it with a blue light. It can take anywhere up to an hour to activate the amino acid, so this isn't a quick five minute procedure either.

Another process that seems utterly needless is microdermabrasion. These treatments costs loads of greenbacks and must be done in a dermatologist's office. They use miniscule crystals to polish off the upper layers of skin of the face, and occasionally follow it up with creams and serums. I'm not inherently against microdermabrasion, but unless you've got a lot of cash to throw around, it's just not worthwhile. Instead , try using an easy Buff Puff every day with your favourite cleaner. It'll get rid of the dead epidermal cells on your face and encourage new growth. Consistent use won't just keep your face fresh and young, it will also help keep it blemish free. In my viewpoint it is the best skin care regime out there.

There are masses of other treatments out there costing hundreds of bucks, but really, is it necessary? A little prevention will go a good distance. Don't smoke, wash and moisturize your face daily and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Remember that skin health does not just happen on the surface of the skin, it happens from in the interior out.

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