By Shawn Smith

It’s 5 A.M and cool in Melbourne. I’m wide-awake, drinking my 1st coffee of the day, and I suddenly feel like I should be doing something diffrent. I’m going through photographs from yesterday’s shoot. Sure, it’s productive, but perhaps a different approach, a different viewpoint, that may bring in more clientele.

It’s a concept that’s not unusual among professional photographers and artistic types. Sometimes you feel like you’re targeting the incorrect market with your business. Perhaps your work only speaks to a small fraction of people on this planet, and if you could just enlarge that slice, the company would boom. I often wonder if my photography is too niche, too specific for the mass market. Perhaps I should photograph something different today.

And then I sit back, take another sip, and say to hell with that! The feeling of doubt and uncertainty is never any fun, but do you want to know what’s worse? Feeling like you’re being censored. Want to know what’s worse than that? Knowing that you’re the one who is censoring your own work, preventing yourself from reaching your true potential.

My clients and I are a perfect match. My work is thrilling. When I think about what I could be taking photos of, what’s out there, I don’t want to do anything other than what I’ve prepared. Isn’t that what this is supposed to be about? Aren’t we supposed to be scratching our own itch here?

I’m sick and tired of people who go on shoots and try to produce an image that everyone on the client’s team will like. Yes, it’s crucial that you please the client. I believe that goes without saying. But there’s always going to be dissent. That’s just the nature of the business. If a few people don’t like what I’m doing, then so what. There really isn’t anything I, or my team, can do.

I’m going to do what influenced me as a child. I know it’s the same task I’ve been doing for nearly 5 amount of years now. I know what the market is too. But if I ever have to sit and think about what I’m going to photograph today, I might as well avoid doing whatever I come up with. Deliberating for hours on end never works. I’d rather go with what feels right.

To hell with the pie. My slice might not be the biggest, but it’s got my name written on it. Off to take some beautiful Melbourne Photographs.

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