SLR Cameras. Their Features.

Posted by Georgy | 9/16/2011

By Dmitry Vasenyov

SLR cameras have appeared long ago, but now it goes not about the history of cameras, but namely about digital "SLR cameras" as they are commonly called. Why are they called reflex? Everything is very simple - the design of this camera includes - a mirror. Thanks to it we can see the image before making the frame.

The construction of all SLR cameras is the same: the light that has passed through the objective lens comes on the mirror, it is reflected and falls on the prism, and you see an image. After pressing the shutter, the mirror is lifted, and for a split second the shutter opens through which the light is captured on the photosensitive matrix - the heart of each digital camera. Then the picture of the matrix is stored in flash memory for the further use - everything is simple!

So, what is the difference between "SLR" and usual camera. At first glance you can see the difference only in sizes, but this is only for lovers of photography, but in fact the main difference is in the absence of the same system with a mirror.

The fact is that ordinary cameras are arranged much easier then SLR cameras: the light passing through the lens immediately hits the matrix, so you are able to see the image on the screen at once. But due to the fact that the light gets into the matrix permanently - we have too much light, and the camera has to "filter" the picture, that is to impose all sorts of filters - brightness, contrast, gamma, color saturation, and this is not the complete list! Thus we get not a real depiction, but only the picture that the camera sees.

Certainly, you should not think that usual cameras are bad, their main advantage - is the compactness and usability. SLR cameras are difficult in management and setting, even in automatic modes, so they are used by professionals. For a philistine it is enough a usual camera.

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