By Amos Navarro

1.) Focus your camera - In order to ensure your images are sharp, ensure that you know how to focus your camera. Digital cameras with auto focus tend to be tough to focus precisely, especially when shooting tiny objects. Make certain your read your user guide and learn how your camera's auto focus operates. Most digital cameras are supposed to easily focus on large objects but have a problem on small objects. It is often useful to put your camera in spot focus mode. Spot focus is going to give you with additional control over what part of a scene your camera is actually focusing on.

2) Use a tripod - Even the smallest movements while taking a picture will cause motion blur. The closer you get to an object the more obvious the motion blur becomes. Making use of an affordable tripod will make a huge difference in the sharpness of the images. For really sharp images it's wise to buy a good, sturdy tripod. If your camera carries a remote shutter release then use it, if not then makes use of the camera's built-in timer to minimize camera shake.

3) Put your camera in aperture priority mode - To get the largest area of your subject in focus, it's good to put your camera in aperture priority mode as well as set the aperture to the highest number possible. The closer you can your subject, the more important this becomes.

4) Use soft lighting - Your camera's built-in flash will rarely work for product photography. For soft lighting either shoot outside by using an over case day or use a light tent like the EZcube, Cubelite, or make use of a soft box.

5) Use image editing software - Even low-priced software like Photoshop Elements or ACD. Because it will certainly make your product photography less difficult. It might appear to be it's faster to make use of an image just as it was shot. But the fact is, it's difficult to shoot an image the correct way you want to appear in its final form. Image editing software allows you to crop a picture, adjust its exposure, sharpen the image and then resize it, often in less than 60 seconds.

The largest difference between an amateur's product snapshot as well as a professional's product image is sharpness and lighting. Steps 1,2, and 3 will help the sharpness of your images while Step 4 may improve your lighting. A minute spent editing an image will improve it further. Since these few steps seem so basic, it's tempting to ignore them. However, by taking time to follow them, you will observe a huge improvement in the quality of your photos.

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