By Colin Gauntlet-Hayes

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn't mean those words are good ones. A poor photo will have people focusing on its quality rather than the memory it was intended to capture. So what can you do to take better looking photos? Here are some tips to get you started.

Learn how to snap a picture quickly. Do not wait for your subject to take a certain pause, this might not happen. Take several pictures if you need to. By taking pictures quickly, you will get natural expressions and pauses. If you wait too long, your subject will probably have a rather rigid and artificial expression.

Learn to turn your camera on it's side. If the subject that you are shooting is taller than it is wide, then use your camera to make it take up more of the frame. Turn your camera on it's side and take a vertical picture instead of the traditional horizontal one.

Get the people that you're shooting to feel as comfortable as possible. An easy way to do this is to talk to them and show them their picture in your camera. They'll likely loosen up, making it much easier to take their picture.

Try not to be too mechanical with your shots. Sometimes it is better to get an eclectic angle than to shoot various run of the mill photos. Also, try to implement the scenery into your photos as often as possible if you want to capture a more personal and unique depiction.

There are some shots where you don't need to get the most detail and then there are shots were your photo's success is totally dependent on crisp and clear details. When dealing with the latter, try lowering your ISO setting. This will provide you with the most detail in your shots.

If you would like to explore the forgotten art of film photography, but worry about the costs associated with development, consider setting up your own little dark room in the basement. You can even set up a portable dark room in a washroom. Since most photographers have switched to digital, you can often find inexpensive dark room equipment at thrift stores and on internet sites.

With this newfound information about photography, you are well on your way to taking better shots. You will enjoy spending less time deleting pictures and rustling through the catalog looking for the right picture. Just apply this information to what you already know and watch your photographs come to life.

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