By Karin Garcia

It's interesting that I'm about to attempt to tell you how important your wedding is. But you already know this. You already know that it is a massively important event that will stay with you for life. You also know that you need to pay a lot of attention to every detail. Most people try to get everything right. From the band and song list, all the way to the kind of glasses used to pour drinks in.

When it comes to the photographs that remain from the event, you should obviously pay as much attention to as anything else at the event. These are things that will remain with you for the rest of your life. They capture and help make eternal all the other details and work that you did, so you might as well invest the time and energy to make sure the photography is at least at the same level as everything else.

I even know of people who took this so seriously that they went ahead and got multiple photographers to cover their wedding. They hired 1 or 2 cheap amateur photographers plus they get one major photo studio as well. This is obviously overkill for most, but it s an idea worth considering.

The thing I would tell you is to take into consideration the fact that quality is never cheap. I am not saying you have to splurge money like a Hollywood celebrity. I am telling you that if you get the cheapest photographers, you will generally get what you're paying for. The common sense conclusion here is to go as high as you can afford, but no higher than that. I'll let you decide what level this is by yourself.

And one final piece of advice - please go for those who specialize in the field. A studio that advertises that they will "cover all your needs" will generally not do such a good job for your needs as they are likely to be mediocre at everything. Be sure to go for somebody that advertises specifically as specializing in wedding photography in specific.

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