By Amy Renfrey

There are many wildlife photography tips I can reveal to you, but here are the most key. It really does rely a great deal on, not only lighting, but your timing and awareness of the animal you are photographing and a whole lot of patience.

I can recommend to a a small number of memory cards with you and make sure you can store an obscene amount of data on them. And photograph in RAW. You will be able to get the best quality that way and be able to keep those shots for a lifetime. And expect to capture many photos until you get the right photo. It all comes down to preparation.

Portraits can actually educate us about wildlife photography. How we compose and makeup our animal within the frame, focus on the eyes and body motion, and maintain sharp focus on the eyes...these are all strategies we do in portraiture everyday and wildlife photography is no different.

Even if you get nothing else in focus, and you have the eyes nice and clear, then you can get away with it. We always look at eyes, which is why this system works best and works perfectly. You will have noticed in the past that if the eyes are blurred in a head and shoulders photo, then we just don't respond emotionally with the image.

Your own individual wellbeing is a massive consideration. Never get very close to a wild creature if you can help it. This is why wildlife photographers make use of really lengthy lenses. They need to be able to get as close to the action as soon as possible without surprising the animal to their being there, or, put themselves in harms way. Many wild animals are tremendously territorial and may react to you as a threat if they are unsure. So be wise. Bring a telephoto lens and keep out of view.

Not only do we use a telephoto lens for this purpose, but also for the idea of not wanting to intimidate the animal in any way. This is especially true for birds. Wild birds are nervous little things at best. When a bird is resting quietly on a tree branch waiting patiently for a mate, you don't want to make a sound from the undergrowth and risk it hurrying away.

Sunset and the break of day are by far the greatest times to take photos of wild animals. They come out for a meal and can be seen stalking, fighting and searching carefully. They will also come out of their sleeping spot, get ready for attracting a mate and start singing or performing the ritual of courtship. This can provide you with some amazing photo opportunities.

What about where you place things in the photo? Wild life photography, like any portrait photo, is best complete with a sense of balance of negative space and positive breathing space surrounding your animal. if an animal is looking into the distance for instance, be sure you give the animal breathing space in front of it to "look into". This works well for nearly all wildlife.

Utilize these wildlife photography suggestions by going to the zoo. Practice on a variety of animals until you feel confident to move to the next step- the wild. Good luck and happy shooting!

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