By Dorsey T. Emanus

Photography is a good way to showcase the beauty in both your life as well as the world you live in. If you are really awesome at photography, you can even make some nice money snapping photos. When you learn your camera's settings, the effects of various features and lighting, you will be able to produce interesting photographs.

Always remember that ordinary things can still provide you with stimulation and motivation. Just grab your camera and start taking different pictures of things you see in everyday life. Use your camera settings to add interest and edge to everything, from your silverware to your shoes. It is up to you how different and unique your photograph is. Challenge yourself to make it more interesting.

You can use your cell phone camera in a pinch, but remember that they are limited, especially with lighting. Most of the average, consumer-based cellphones do not have a flash installed. When taking pictures without a flash you must be far more aware of the lighting in the scene around you. If you zoom in close, you will eliminate excess shadows and sunspots.

Great lighting is essential if beautiful photography is your goal. Improper lighting can result in a great shot looking awful. Take advantage of shady areas out of the direct sun light, and if this is not possible, keep the sun at your back. The sun being behind you will naturally give you good lighting, reduce any solar glare and will help produce great pictures.

Lithium batteries might be a bad idea for your camera, especially when you expect to take it traveling with you. Lithium batteries have been known to overheat and cause fires; therefore, they are banned from carrying on airports. However, it is fine to carry on board when they are already contained inside of your camera.

Consider enrolling in a photography group, or team up to take shots with a photographer who shares your interests. Listen to any technical tips they have, but be sure to keep your own style. Compare your pictures with each other, and marvel at how one object can be perceived so differently by two people.

Maybe one picture out of twenty will be good, but you should still keep the others. Keeping a scrapbook or portfolio of your work in general, not just the great shots, will help you correct your mistakes and track your progress as you improve your photography.

Usually in life we have been trained to see things that are centered and even as good. Most people are attracted to symmetry, even in pictures. That said, sometimes going against the grain with an off-center photo is an easy way to add interest. Watch the auto-focus features that start to lock in the core of your shots. You should be able to set the focus manually and lock it down before actually shooting your picture.

There are cases that you can purchase to protect your camera and lenses; this is a recommended purchase. Often, damage or destruction of equipment could have easily been avoided if the owner had their equipment secured in a protective case. You can find a protective case in an electronics store or any place that also has cameras for sale.

You don't always need your photos to be made with the camera horizontal. Turning your camera 90 degrees to take a vertical picture can make for striking photos, and it may even be necessary to frame some subjects properly. Use your zoom feature to capture your object correctly.

Photography involves more than just snapping good shots of people or objects. You can greatly improve your photo's quality if you choose to.

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