Photography As A Hobby or Career

Posted by Georgy | 5/09/2012

By Dorsey T. Emanus

Would you like to improve the way in which you take pictures? In this article, we will start with the basics and provide some surefire tips that can improve your skill level.

Purchase or download free photo editing software, and play around with it. Even professional photographers understand the benefits of photo editing software to retouch different photos and add interesting effects. You can make a bad photograph look amazing! with just a few touch-ups.

Place the camera shot at eye level when taking portrait shots. This creates a personal feel with the photograph, and will pull people into the photo. If your subject is a child, you might need to kneel or stoop over to take the camera down to their height.

There is nothing more important than lighting in outdoor photography. A divine photo can be tarnished with lighting that is too dark or bright. When possible, shoot with the sun to your rear, or have your subjects stand in a shaded area. This will allow you to have the optimal lighting for quality pictures.

You are at the mercy of nature when it comes to lighting and taking a landscape photograph. Sometimes, you cannot find another spot where the light is more consistent. So, what can you do? Computer programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, can help you add a gradient filter in your photograph, which will counterbalance any of the contrasting light.

You might think you don't need a flash for outdoor photography, but that is not always the case. Glaring sunlight can many times create deep shadows on your subject's face. If you have fill flash on the camera, set it to this. The light from that flash will brighten any deep folds that might be present in your subject's face.

After reading the information provided, you should now have a better idea on how to go about improving your own photography skills. Return to this list as needed to brush up on the techniques discussed. Keep at it to produce artistic photographs!

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