By Flora Vinson

You do not have to be a poor starving artist to keep taking photographs of your favorite things. It is fun to be creative with your camera. You will make profit from your pictures by offering landscape photography websites your finished work. You may sell your images through their site.

You should create your own site where you can post your pictures. This opens up a lot of possibilities. People may buy you photos directly from your website. Other web visitors might be impressed with the pictures on your site and decide to hire you for a professional project.

Selling your images to stock businesses can also let you earn money with your hobby. These businesses offer photos to various companies that need images for marketing purposes or other reasons. Stock photo companies can either buy your images or take a commission for each sale.

Selling your images to printed magazines is also a good way to profit from your photos. Offer your images to travel magazines if you yourself travel a lot and take pictures during your trips. You should submit your pictures directly on the magazine websites. This is also a good way to get recognized as a professional photographer.

If you do not mind showing off your photos in public, you should consider displaying them at an exhibit. This will increase your exposure as a photographer and help you garner clients interested in buying your pictures. People may also want you to work on some projects with them if your photos are impressive enough.

You should also participate in interesting photo-taking competitions on the internet. Look for landscape photography websites that offer this opportunity. There are some sites that offer weekly, monthly or semi-annual contests that you can join on the web. Send your entries through their website to win monetary prizes.

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