By Roy Barker

Of course, posing a groom and his groomsmen during the Big Day can be quite a challenge. Nonetheless that is not to claim that you just have to stick with all of the conventional poses. Realizing that a lot of photographers may require some help along these lines, these are some recommended poses that you might want to consider:

Go for the 'classic look'. Believe me, you would not go wrong if you make a decision to go for the classic look! In fact , this shot is definitely essential. To get this pose right, angle the groom's face and body to get the maximum flattering look, let him put one hand on his pocket and coax him to show his most natural smile.

You can also take some shots of the groom sitting down with his hands on his knees. Get artsy with your poses and look out for the most flattering angles to be certain you get some great shots of the groom.

Take some 'looking into the distance ' shots. Let the groom pose in the balcony or by a nice looking window and tell him to look off into the distance. This will give a contemplative look to your pictures that may actually tell a little tale of its own.

Shoot acute close ups. Focusing on the seemingly tiny details can also make up for some interesting shots. So , why don't you take intense close ups as the groom adjusts his tie and his cuff links: which will add a lively and interesting variation to your pictures!

Do the classic line-up. When it is time to shoot photos of the groom with his groomsmen, you can have them in a line-up with their bodies angling inward, have them in a bowling pin formation or line them up along a wall with their legs up. Well, I am certain that you get the point.

Get wacky. Let's face it: the most interesting stills will invariably be the ones that are shot spontaneously, particularly when talking of the groom and his groomsmen. Hence let them do what they do and capture it on camera. You may not believe how great these photographs will turn out to be!

Have these basic poses inspired you to come up with your unique groom and groomsmen marriage poses? I'm hoping it did!

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