By James Hardens

While correcting every problem with sharpness contrast, and saturation is impossible, experiences photographers know how to make their equipment work for them. By constantly adjusting these settings, these photographers seem to work miracles and enjoy the challenge of constantly adjusting to every image. Time and attention to detail will be the winning characteristics that lead to success.

How to Improve the Details

While you may think that jumping into a discussion of all of the settings would be the best way to learn how to adjust settings, there is actually a far more important factor. Adjustment of the photographer's perspective is really the key to coordinating great photographs. Not only will this save time, but it will transform the way the entire scene is even approached.

Do not pick up your camera or fiddle with any settings. For at least fifteen minutes, simply notice everything in your environment. Take some time and pay attention to the light, your subject, and notice the ideas that to flow to you.

At the end of your observation time, begin setting up the scene. Certainly, you'll have noticed at least a dozen different elements interacting with each other. Each observation should be connected with an action that you will take to adjust and improve your scene. Considerations of color, texture, lighting, and composition will be your main focus.

Specific Settings

Once you have made a list of action points, you will finally be ready to pick up your camera. This is where attention to exactly what you want will collide with the settings you have programmed into your equipment. At first, you may simply just adjust those settings through a series of trial and error experiments that will eventually lead to what you want. Over time, though, you will begin to recognize the settings needed before even holding your camera to your eye.

By spending some time online, you may be able to read and implement specific optimal settings for your camera. However, you will find the opinions and suggestions to be quite varied and sometimes contradictory. Thus, your own experience will indeed be the guiding principle in selecting the settings that produce extraordinary results. For dynamic range, some suggest settings in the high teens. While this is possible, especially on bright days, eight to ten stops will prove very reliable and optimal for most situations.

Since adjustments are essential to excellence in photography, investing the required time now will lead you on the pathway to success. Developing your creativity and skill will bring the results you desire now. But, continued development is what will create expertise that cannot be purchased.

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