By Sue Carpenter

The consummate male professional is bound to have a wide variety of neckties. There can be ties that are solid, polka dotted, striped, and have paisley prints. There would probably be one whimsical type, like one with flashing lights. The colors could include blacks, reds, and greys. Silk wovens would probably be the main forms, but an occasional knit could be found. And, at least one bow tie could be included. The bottom line would be the desire to be prepared for all occasions. For women the same could be said for accessories. Having a blue turban would be a similarly good step in being totally prepared.

When some people even hear the word turban there might be a misleading thought based on biases and stereotypes. The truth is, it is simply a form of head covering. Cowboys from Argentina to America have gravitated to hat styles that serve as protection from the elements. The cowboy style has been converted to be used for the same reasons but also as a form of fashion by both men and women. One does not need calf roping or herding experience to wear one.

There are certain hats worn by skiers to protect head, ears, and even face from the razor cold winds. Now, these hats are fashionably worn form Alaska to Australia. And, one does not have to own a pair of skis.

And so it is with turbans. They are such wonderful ways for women, and men if they choose, to add spice to their wardrobes. It also provides for functionality as well. They cover the head but are not too heavy.

A traditional type that has already been prepared is what is normally used in fashion. With this type there is only the need to put it on as with any other hat. They can look like they had been freshly wrapped on.

There is not only the type that totally covers the head. There are headband types which are also considered part of the turban family. The bands can be thin to so wide that there is only a small portion of the top of the head showing. Wearing the right color can accentuate the beautiful hair colors and textures.

From blondes and brunettes to reds and blacks, there is a turban type and color that can evoke an oh my god response from anyone that views this charming look. One of the beauties of a turban is that it can be worn with an expensive faux fur coat as well as an everyday work coat. It goes just as well with an elegant evening dress as well as jeans and boots. Having several colors is a positive move for any wardrobe.

Whether a full bodied blue turban or one that is more like a headband, having a them as part of a wardrobe collection is essential. And, under the right circumstances, accessorizing them with appropriate pendants or the appropriate color and amount of sequins can take the look to a much higher level.

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