By Sue Carpenter

If you want to adorn a turban as a fashion accessory, then you have to consider a lot of issues. This is becoming a common trend among celebrities across the world. It is a surprising twist that this piece of headwear has taken so many years to be embraced as an icon of style. This headgear has held a cultural and religious perspective for many centuries.

Turbans come in different styles depending on the origin and cultural background. In some places, they have a religious annotation, while in others, the meaning is purely cultural. Traditionally, they were common in the Middle East and India. The Sikhs, for example, have the headwear as an identity, while other groups use it to conceal their identity. This has made a certain style be characteristic of some religions and regions.

These characteristics have somehow made it difficult for this headgear to dominate the fashion industry. However, one can still play with a few aspects and still look good in this cloth without appearing as religious. The most important things to consider are color and style, as these are traditionally tied to some cultures or religions. Below is a discussion of other considerations that you have to think about before you make any purchase.

Consider your personality and taste. The main reason why people wear beauty accessories is to look good. Therefore, if you want your turban to trendy, then you have to ensure that you choose a design and color that meets your style. You can peruse over photos of celebrities to see how they have worked their way around. This can be of help because you can do as many comparisons until you find something suitable.

Choose your style. There are several designs for turbans. The most common styles are those used by the Sikh, the Taliban and other cultural and religious groups. However, there are also ranges of designs that are more universal. You can visit a local store and try to find something that you look good in.

Consider cultural inspirations. If your desire to adorn a turban has been influenced by a certain culture, then you have to choose a style that represents those identities. You can achieve this, while at the same time maintaining a fashionable look. Consider wearing it along with some jewelry or even adding some touch to the manner in which you tie it.

Consider religious influences. You can maintain your spiritual appeal, yet adorning a fashionable look. You can try a little trick by adding some accessories and see if it works out. Alternatively, you can try reducing or increasing the length of your cloth. This will reduce or increase the number of pleats you can have in a single roll, hence achieving a different look.

Try a hybrid. You can make your style more fashionable by mixing different headgears. For example, a mix with a headband is common among celebrities. You can even go out of the way and try a different material or headpiece. You can use a scarf by tying it to fit the appeal you want it to achieve.

You can use several approaches to make your turban look fashionable. All that it requires is a bit of creativity. You also have to choose your color carefully as some hues may communicate a lot about your personality.

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