Importance An Afghan Turban Has

Posted by Georgy | 1/24/2013

By Sue Carpenter

It is more than any other piece of clothe used for covering your head. This is because of its significance to certain communities. It symbolizes their culture and especially in the Almighty. The afghan turban is vital because it shows appreciation of diversity and respect to members of the community. People in Afghanistan respect this mode of dressing as it signifies smartness and decency.

In Afghanistan, they view it as a stylish dressing code. They tie it in different styles to suit the intended occasion. You cannot miss it in any of the stalls because they are an everyday dress. That means they are common among people of this culture. Their prices are affordable so that most people are able to purchase them. Therefore, there is no reason not to look beautiful in the head scarf.

Different cultures embrace head turbans in different forms. To some it is an outward way of expressing their inner believe in their cultures. In the Afghanistan community, tying turbans gives one a positive image. It also shows commitment towards serving the creator. To others living in areas where turbans are tied, they wear them in a bid to emulate them. This is because they look smart in them.

The head scarf comes in variety of styles and colors to suit tastes and preferences for various wearers. Each occasion matches a different color and style. Colors range from blue, black, orange to purple just but to mention a few depending on intended on occasion. People from this religion and culture wear turbans that look different from other cultures. One can easily differentiate a wearer from Afghanistan from another.

For years now, turbans have been embraced by different religions and cultures all over the world. Some believe that it should be inherited. It so happens as a way of passing on good deeds from generation to generation. They also believe that the young people ought to embrace the practice. People from this culture do not shave their heads. This, they believe, to be in accordance to the will of God.

It is considered a religious belief as a sign of holiness and spirituality. They obey religion by always tying head gears. This is because they know God watches over them all the time. Therefore they do not disobey their creator by wearing it.

This mode of dressing signifies decency as it covers the hair which they believe to be holy. Therefore, it shows self respect and honor for those wearing it. To some, the decency is shown during worship when they tie it. While to others it is the only way prayers can be answered. That gives them a better reason to tie turbans during prayer.

This particular society has various expectations for its people. Especially for feminine gender of the society, it is a norm for them to tie turbans in all occasions. They tie then with an aim of covering beauty so as not to expose it to anyone. Men also seem to be doing well with the afghan turban and have embraced it fully without any objections whatsoever.

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