By Claudine MacDonald

The extensive African wilderness is a paradise for a photography enthusiast. The continent is famous world over for its wide open plains teeming with wildlife. It is often the aim of many tourists on an african photo safari to capture captivating scenes of a hunt or the beautiful scenery. The range of possible destinations will leave adventurers spoiled for choice.

The East African region is credited with the term safari, being the Swahili word for a long journey. The word is used indiscriminately to refer to a tour in Africa. Some states in this continent have elaborate tourism sectors, with many resorts and comfort facilities. Though some spots may seem to be cut off from the rest of the world, many of them are within reach of major civilization centers.

The most thrilling scenes are to be witnessed during the large annual wildlife migrations. Herds of wildebeest have to cross crocodile infested rivers, with all the dangers it presents. This season also sees the migration of some of the large predator cats in pursuit of their favorite prey. Some of the most common animals include elephants, gazelle, elands and scavengers.

The untamed African terrains can only be tackled with four wheeled motor vehicles. Unless you intend to use a privately hired ride, there is no need to worry as major touring agencies will have their own fleets of land cruisers. A major requirement is loads of viewing space and perhaps a platform on which to mount photography equipment.

You may want to look for a camera manufactured for photography in the wild. The best gadgets will have adjustable focal lengths, zoom features and other means of the range control. You should expect to pay more for such a device, if you think it is absolutely necessary. For amateur shots however, a mere compact one in all camera may turn out to be sufficient. The lack of a high end camera should not translate to less enjoyment of your trip.

The route may call for rough living in the bush every once in a while. Some tour firms may give brief training to prepare foreigners for a little dust and bugs. The luggage compartment should not lack some camping gear and backpacks in case hiking is proposed. Planning the trip may involve checking on details such as clothing and footwear suited to the conditions to be anticipated.

Malaria fever is transmitted by the African female anopheles mosquitoes, and you are almost certain to encounter them. It is recommended that one boosts his immunity by taking an anti malaria prescription before traveling. Self care should be your own responsibility, so you will have to bring your suntan, hats and mosquito repellent. The African sun is very unforgiving to people with fairer skin tones, leaving their faces marked with unsightly sunburns.

Traveling documents need to be reviewed and cleared by necessary authorities long before the proposed day for an african photo safari. Peruse any tour guidebooks that could give more information about your chosen destination. You can avoid paying exorbitant fares and accommodation fees by simply conducting more research on the available options.

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