By Annabelle Newton

This head turbans may be made from very many colors. Some people normally added so that they can show different ranks of the people in the society. This should be used to show the tribal affiliations and the religious affiliations.

These gears are just some normal head coverings which have been made from a very long piece of cloth. This is so because it is normally meant to go round the head and cover all the parts. They should measure up to a maximum of 12 feet. These will all depend on the size of the head.

Another very good reason which can explain to you why this item is usually worn is for the protection purposes. The climates in the desserts are normally extremely hot and can damage your skin. So the turbans are usually used to protect them from the direct heat. They will also help in keeping your hair neat always and also be held in place.

Another thing which they are known to do is adding the protective layer against heat, wind, and the relentless desert sun. Some of the tribes do wear it so that they can not be confused with the others. It is meant for easy identification or keeping it a secret.

These styles might vary from every region. Iranian leaders wear white or blacker turbans that are wrapped in some flat, circular styles. Iranians always believe that these turban had originated from the Persians that lived a dulband.

For you to have this made turban to cover it, you should practice adjusting it. Using one of your hands, to hold it, the other one should continue wrapping it up so that the material which will remain will be around 1 foot. This should also be the same to that other hand . Always make sure that the loose ends have been tacked. This will make your turban look neatly tied

If you are putting on this thing and you are tired of having it on, you can change it to be a makeshift pillow. Another way which it may be used is by slunging it across the back so that it is able to carry the bundles. In the middle of these folds, some people prefer keeping little things like the pens, money and the combs and even drugs like tobacco. This is common among the hoteliers who keep their tips which they normally receive.

When you see a person putting head turbans on do not be sure that he belongs to a certain religion. Some people also think that the people who wear this are mistaken for terrorist so they are feared. But all in all its a style for others.

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