Do It Yourself Turban Headband

Posted by Georgy | 1/23/2013

By Claudine MacDonald

A turban headband is a fashionable band that goes around a person's head and helps to hold their hair back. It can be made out of any fabric which means that it is a great way to show an individuals personal style while still being useful. They can be bought in a lot of different stores but many people are choosing to make their own. Its an easy and fun project that can be done in a short amount of time. This article will describe how to make a turban headband out of an old shirt or leftover fabric from anywhere.

Before starting any project, make sure that all materials are available. This project requires scissors, fabric, needle and thread. Optional materials are a hot glue gun, broach or button, sequins, rhinestones, or glitter. All these materials can be found easily at local craft stores.

The most important part of the headband is the fabric. It can be anything from a scarf to a piece of scrap fabric but it should be something unique. This fabric needs to be long enough to go around an individuals head and about twice the width that is desired. Remove any excess fabric but make sure not to much is taken off. Measure often to avoid making it too small.

Once the fabric is cut and measured, lay it out straight and fold the long edges into the middle. Go down the entire length of the fabric making sure it lines up in the middle and that the edges are straight. Then, fold the fabric in half lengthwise. The edges should line up and be straight.

Its a good idea at this point to pin the edges with straight pins. This will ensure that the edges do not slip and will make it much easier to securely sew to two ends together in the next step. This may also be a good time time to make sure it will fit before sewing it. It should be snug and not tight.

The needle and thread will now be used to sew the short edges together. Tie a knot in the end of the thread so that it does not pull through while being stitched. If a pleated look is desired, gently pull the thread through the fabric until the fabric pleats. Go over this area as many time as necessary to ensure it stays. This is what holds the band together so it needs to be tight and secure.

Last, add a decorative button or broach to the part where the two ends connect. The easiest way to do this would be to sew it on but you could use a hot glue gun as well. Its important to make sure that it is centered and securely attached.

Some people like to go one step further and add sequins or rhinestones. This can be done with a glue gun for the rhinestones and needle and thread for the sequins. This can add a more personalized touch and draw a lot more attention. This option allows them to be personalized with a name or favorite phrase.

Making a turban headband is an easy and fun way to have a personalized hairpiece that shows some individual personality. Its also a great project for beginners and children to start on. Doing this at home will save money and will make a fun project for parents and their children.

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